From november 12 till 20th another exhibition takes place in madrid. As always 7sins related artworks are exhibited and finally the book containing the best contest submissions was released. Cant wait to get my copy! I'll post some details and photos laters.
My stuff is shocased in spain issue#48 of Uno-Magazine (Barcelona). I feel honored and say thanks to Angel! Check out the mag and their blog if you're into freestyle culture and skateboarding - its worth it! The mag is fully viewable online too!
Thanks to franie for featuring my work in mydesy magazine/ china. The interview is available in roman letters too ;)...check it out here!
In Dec 2009 I was asked to give an interview and share my workflow for the computer arts magazine- the magazine is published: 9 pages of tutorial and 70min of screencaptured video from my side next to mind- blowing artists from all over the world. Thanks to Julia Sagar and Nick Carson for their trust and the editing work. I'm part of the brazilian contém glútem mag No.2. You check definitely check it out- amazing artists- inspiring stuff! Go here: contém glúten #2
My stuff is featured in the crowd-sourced and will be part of the printed version. So big thanks to the crowd for choosing me and to Izzy caring for the printed stuff!
The luups 2010 coupon book is available. Again some nice illustration of mine are included...Check the luups site and browse some nice artists...
Luups 2009- a catering trade related coupon book is out. I distributed in all big cities in germany- with a special book per city. Again it is stuffed with some neat illustrations of mine. This time I was lucky enough to take part in the little bird project initiated by Christian Linde over at linde design. Here is my entry: Yeeha- I'm part of the recent pictoplasma release: The character encyclopaedia- 396 pages of topnotch character design...Get your book here
June 2024