On my way now to "Shine" Mural Festival in St. Petersburg/Florida. Looking forward to see my american friends from Snap Orlando and Art Attacks again, Tes One, the other SHINE-organizers, the artists participating and all supporters and visitors of the festival. Cant wait to hang in beautiful 30degree florida!
Finally my sample of the "In Heroes We Trust"-Book arrived. A book about streetartists and their heroes. "In Heroes We Trust" asks 66 street artists to muse on the notion of heroism. Foreword by Ron English, preface by Jef Aerosol.
I'm glad being onboard. Thanks to Neely Shearer and KnockKnock Publishing. You can order this limited edition under ISBN 978-160106852-1 or UPC 825703-50-228-2 Finally I received my "The Man Who Knew It All"-Book-sample. A book about creativity called 'The Man Who Knew it All' written by Tomas Ramanauskas and Kristupas Sabolius from Lithuania. The book features 98 true stories about outstanding creative writers ranging from Chuck Close to Monty Python flanked by 98 illustrations by outstanding illustrators. I'm glad to be onboard.
Publisher: artbooks.lt, 2014 Authors: Tomas Ramanauskas, Kristupas Sabolius ISBN 978-609-95687-0-6 seems I made my name as spagehtti character artist. Happy to support Ogilvy Johannesburg pitching. Still enjoying typography and contortion...
"The Crying House" painted on an abandoned building faccade during meeting of Styles Antwerp/ Belgium hosted by aerosolkings.com.
June 2024